fredag 24 december 2010

Shalom in Israel - Hamas terrorism a hinder for peace in Israel

My reply to a person on YouTube:
You are quoting the Goldstone-report, which has been proven to contain many errors by the research published on
There are no proofs whatsoever of Israeli soldiers using human shields in Gaza.
Yes, Hamas von the election. The people of Gaza – choose by their own free will to vote in Gaza. This shows that the majority of the people of Gaza support Hamas terrorism against civilians.

Here is a solution for peace!

Shalom in Israel - Make parts of Yehuda and Shomron into Arab-governed protectorates

Agree with you it is bad they try to enforce stop of building in Jerusalem.
In order to help creating peace between Israel and Arabs we must create a solution which excludes the ‘Palestinian’ authority, which according to their own media and books (see PALwatch), spreads terrorism. There is a peace solution, in which the regions of zone 1 and 2 in Yehuda and Shomron should be Arab-protectorates. Read more about the solution in this article: Link

Shalom in Israel - Muslims must be exposed to the truth of Torah.

What do you mean by destroying Islam? I endorse the Torah [“books of Moses”] just like first century Yehoshua – the Messiah – from Nazareth did. If Muslims understood that he taught Torah –and not what he claims he did-the would start to follow the real Yehoshua.  Real debate, exposure to the truth of Torah, will lead to Muslims starting to practise Torah –unredacted Instruction manual of the Creator to all of humanity and to all ages. Acc. to Torah all prophets would teach it.

Shalom in Israel - Muslims must be exposed to the truth of Torah.

What do you mean by destroying Islam? I endorse the Torah [“books of Moses”] just like first century Yehoshua – the Messiah – from Nazareth did. If Muslims understood that he taught Torah –and not what he claims he did-the would start to follow the real Yehoshua.  Real debate, exposure to the truth of Torah, will lead to Muslims starting to practise Torah –unredacted Instruction manual of the Creator to all of humanity and to all ages. Acc. to Torah all prophets would teach it.

To reach shalom [peace] in Israel -- terrorism must end

My comment on a YouTube-video:
Good that you are against her views! What do you mean that the rights of ‘palestinians’ (they are Arabs) have been ‘wrongfully stripped’? The Israeli government is far from perfect, but the reason of the blockade to Gaza, the fence to Yehuda and Shomron, and more, are counter-terrorism measures. When the terrorists ends, these measures will stop!! I hope for peace! Solution in my blog: shalominisrael (dot) blogspot (dot) com 

söndag 19 december 2010

How to reach peace in Israel

There is only one solution to the peace and this is the one Paqid Yirmeyahu has presented:
"Arabs cloak their unrelenting goal, the elimination of Israel, in chameleon-like continually-changing disguises to divert attention from their goal of eliminating Israel.

Peace will not be possible until the Western--European and Christian--world comes to grips with a reality about the two religions--both alien and incomprehensible to western (including western "Jewish") minds--that are the core elements of this conflict. Peace between secular "Jews" and secular "Muslims" has always been a perversion of both religions promoted by Liberal-Left Dilettantes (LLDs) whose vision of peace is neutralizing what they perceive to be their stupid religious brethren. The Israeli government cannot make peace between Israelis, the Arab governments are completely split into two fratricidal factions and the world stupidly expects them to make peace?

Iran has emplaced a classic pincer attack via its remote arms, Khizb-Allah and Syria--intent on acquiring Israel's north and Hamas eliminating Israel from the South, while Iran prosecutes a frontal nuclear missile to exterminate us.

The Palistanis are an extension of Islamojihadists of the sort we've seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, etc: equal-opportunity haters and murderers of everybody, even each other--which is why no one wants them. If they were peaceful... Reality is they are not and there are no signs they will ever place a life of peace and prosperity above eliminating Israel from their religious zeal to reacquire what they regard as Waqf land like Spain and other "lost Waqf lands." To preserve this fiction, history began in 1948, or the 7th century. Anything before that, of course, exposes the reality: Israel is Arab-occupied Jewish land and, before Muhammed, Arabs were not the torchbearers of the "true" Biblical faith of Abraham, (..) but worshipped in an idolatrous temple in Mecca that was transformed into today's Ka'ab. These two intractably contradictory religions can coexist only where separation and tolerance are guaranteed to both.

The modern reality is that we Jews and our Arab cousins will have to live in close proximity; and it will be better for all of us if we agree to do it without families suffering constant losses of relatives to bloodshed.
There are only two ways to achieve this:
[a] Israel to become a protectorate of Muslims or
[b] Muslims in the disputed areas to become protectorates of Jews

Arab Israelis live, prosper compared to their brethren, and enjoy the freedom to complain in Israel. Arab merchants drive by my apartment periodically, with loudspeakers blaring their offers, in complete safety. I see Arabs mingling in the crowds shopping at the mall. No one pays any special attention to them any differently than Jews.

Contrast this with lynchings of Jews unfortunate enough to get lost in a Muslim area. The Yemenite and Sepharadi Jews who have lived and suffered abuses under Muslim rule, not even permitted to be men on par with their Arab "superiors," are living testimonials that Muslim claims of tolerance of "dhimmis" are self-deluding lies strictly for western consumption--and LLDs in the west are naive and gullible.

A priori, the only way both parties will ever coexist without bloodshed is when Israel guarantees, and Arabs are willing to agree, for Arab populations in the disputed Arab-occupied lands to become self-governing protectorates, not a Muslim-Arab state launching pad to finally finish-off Israel.

For now, this is unthinkable to Muslims and other Arabs because--regardless of the diversionary excuses given to the western media--the core goal of eliminating Israel would be completely taken off the table. Yet, this is the first, unavoidable, step to an enduring peace. Therefore, the only option is to make the CVN protectorates a fait accompli--extending all rights of self-government and self-determination to them except as specified (e.g., the right to vote in Israeli elections, contain a military or terrorists, etc.).

The same is true of Jerusalem. The only living people for whom Jerusalem was their capital is the Jews... and the only reason this has BECOME important to the Muslims is because they know it is the HEART of Judaism and Jews. Arabs insistence on holding our heart in their hand in just another means of destroying Israel. Muslim and Christian Arabs know that but it's too alien to secular LLDs, including secular Israeli and western "Jewish" LLDs, for them to comprehend.

To be viable, these protectorates would have to thrive and prosper; guaranteeing the better life that Arabs SAY they seek. Israel would have to open up markets, transportation, communication, etc. Peace, alone, would permit that. It would be in Israel's interest to make it thrive and prosper, to the benefit of Arab residents there. Arafats, Hamases and PLOs would no longer be able to keep them miserable and angry to staff their terrorist martyr positions. It is the only hope for a better life of peace and prosperity for Arabs of this area and their children. We've been here for 3,000 years and they're right about one thing: we are here to stay.
Then comes the tough part: Israel must not only never budge from that position, despite terrorist responses, never even giving the impression that there is any "wiggle room" that would continue to fuel their hopes of eventually achieving demographic predominance and political Muslim take-over of "Palestine," eliminating Israel entirely.
Paqid Yirmeyahu
Paqid 16, The Netzarim
Israeli Orthodox Jew (Teimani Baladi Dardai)
Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority
Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
Comment: Comment: Only One Possible Solution... Someday, Not Yet Addendum
CVN = Concurrent Village Networks. I've been urging a separate solution for the Arab-occupied West Bank since I proposed two separate and distinct Concurrent Village Networks of protectorates (one Jewish and one Arab) for the West Bank to MK Uzi Landau in 1988."